Ruckus Supporter Code of Conduct
Purpose: We are a diverse group bringing together members from many different states and countries, political backgrounds, values, and definitions of the proper way to support our club. We often use the terms Family and Respect. But occasionally, there are times when members fail our Family with Respect. While the role of your leadership team does not include constantly patrolling for violations to our Code of Conduct policies, it is our hope that there are no violations to this code. We feel that it is important for all Ruckus members to understand our expectation in the manner of behavior as members. The best way to “police” the group is for each member to take ownership of their own actions and to behave themselves and their guests accordingly. Membership to The Ruckus is a choice. Orlando City SC supporters who sign up do so out of their own free will. While we recognize that not everyone will get along, we do expect that everyone will respect each other. So if you choose to join The Ruckus, you agree to the following Elements within the scope listed below.
Scope: This policy applies to any official Ruckus Events. Anything involving Ruckus Members but not at an official event is not the purview of the Ruckus or Ruckus Leadership. These events include our functions as an officially recognized supporter’s group at Exploria Stadium, the Ruckus Parking Lot, Officially sanctioned Watch Parties, Ruckus Sponsored Bus Trips, Ruckus Charity Events, Ruckus Away Games at MLS Stadiums, any other official Ruckus Sponsored event, and online social media sites.
NOTE: while Broken Strings Brewery is a Ruckus friendly business and often a part of the tailgating experience for many of our members, it is not a Ruckus exclusive bar. Any harassment of their patrons will not be tolerated by the owners of this establishment.
1) If at any point you feel a crime is occurring or has occurred during an official Ruckus event, contact the proper authorities IMMEDIATELY. While Leadership is available for assistance for any issue, we are not a police force empowered by a state to enforce the law, protect property, or limit civil disorder.
2) Physical Violence will not be tolerated. All parties involved in any sort of physical violence will be immediately suspended from the Ruckus pending review. Information reviewed will include police reports, witness statements, and any videos or photos that can be recovered.
3) The illegal use and distribution of drugs, controlled substances, and/or serving alcohol to minors at Ruckus Events is not permitted. Anyone caught using or distributing drugs illegally and publicly at an official Ruckus event will be immediately suspended, and a review of termination of membership will be initiated by the Ruckus leadership. Local authorities may also be contacted. Local laws will be applied when necessary.
4) Theft of any Ruckus item (money, merchandise, assets, and supplies) will not be tolerated. Any member caught in theft will be immediately suspended from the Ruckus pending an incident review. The Ruckus will use any means necessary to recover the property or monies. These means include, but not limited to prosecution in criminal or civil courts as applicable.
5) Bullying, harassment, or intimidation of other members or guests. Our anti-bullying policies also extend to the use of the official Ruckus online social media sites.
6) Ruckus members are allowed to bring guests to our events. Please be advised that YOU are responsible for the conduct and actions of your guests. If the guest of a Ruckus member violates any Ruckus Rules or Code of Conduct, the member can be disciplined for their guest’s actions. As a reminder, wearing or displaying the colors and symbols of MLS clubs other than Orlando City SC is not allowed in the supporter section at Exploria Stadium and is discouraged at the Ruckus lot.
7) Ruckus Information is Proprietary and Private. Please do not screenshot items from the private Ruckus online social media sites and post publicly. Questions from the media about anything related to official Ruckus business should be referred to the members of the Ruckus Leadership Council.
8) Members on the capo stand during matches must have attended smoke training, be at least 18 years of age, and have agreed and signed the Ruckus Capo Agreement.
9) Behavior unbecoming of a Ruckus Member will be sanctioned. While this document covers issues that we have dealt with in the past, it is not inclusive of all the things that members may be disciplined for.
Discipline of offenses may include, but are not limited to, warnings, suspensions from Ruckus events, expulsion from The Wall, or termination of Ruckus membership at the discretion of the Ruckus Leadership. Sanctioned members will be granted an appeal to the Godfather Council if they believe a punishment is stand.
Updated: January 2023
Click here to see the MLS Fan Code of Conduct